Stay Sharp Kits are a public library service and may only be checked out by library staff with an APLS library account and distributed on site by a verified public library staff member. If your library does not currently have an APLS account, one will be made at the time of your booking. Kits are not permitted to be loaned to individual patrons, schools or other libraries.
Stay Sharp Kits may be kept as long as 30 days; however, libraries may return kits earlier. Please make sure to take note of your due dates and return your kits on time, as there may be other libraries scheduled to receive them after you. If your kit is returned late, then their kit will arrive late. Please be considerate. To request an extension, please contact the APLS Reference staff at
Please note that there is a 7-day padding time between all checkouts that serves as a grace period for late shipments, USPS delays, and APLS shipping and handling time. This means that if you are trying to check out a kit that a library has just had less than 7 days prior, the kit will not be available until that time has lapsed.
Click on the green link below to make a reservation: