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Free Online Resources: Alabama Virtual Library (AVL)

About AVL

The Alabama Virtual Library offers all students, teachers, and citizens of the State of Alabama with free online access to essential library and information resources. Funded by the Alabama Legislature, this database is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research. Through the AVL, an equitable core of information sources is available to every student and citizen in Alabama, raising the level of excellence in schools and communities across the state.

What your patrons can find in AVL:

  • Magazine, journal, and newspaper articles
  • Consumer-driven health resources
  • Legal forms
  • Resources for children, high school, college and adults



Accessing AVLIP Authentication

Most Alabama users will be automatically authenticated (via IP authentication) and they will automatically have access to AVL resources. You can find more information about AVL authentication by clicking here.

Physical Device Authentication

Some users may not automatically IP authenticate when they access AVL. If your library or the patrons in your community are physically located in Alabama but IP authentication is not working, please click here to attempt to authenticate based on your device's physical location.


"It's saying I'm not in Alabama!"

If an Alabama resident is unable to automatically IP authenticate or unable to authenticate based on their device's physical location, their local librarian will need to contact the AVL Helpdesk for assistance. If a K-12/Post-Secondary student is having trouble accessing AVL, they should contact their school's library to request assistance from the AVL Helpdesk.


Issuing an AVL Account

For those traveling, or those who reside on state borders and are unable to authenticate based on their device's physical location, they will need to use an AVL account in order to access AVL resources. You can request an AVL account by contacting the AVL Helpdesk.