Out-of-the-library mobile access whenever and wherever users need it
Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) technician test-prep quizzes to assess a user’s technical knowledge
More than 2,500 easy-to-access videos and animations, organized by vehicle systems and subject matter
Diagnostics and troubleshooting information
Wiring and vacuum diagrams and detailed schematics
Manufacturer-recommended maintenance intervals
Technical service bulletins and recalls
Warranty and Chilton Labor Estimating Tool for common repair procedures
Click on "Resources" at the top.
Select "Electronic Resources"
Find the box that says "Chilton Library" and click "Read now."
You may be brought to screen where you will need to select your library name from a drop-down list. Select your library. (By selecting your own library account, you will be able to pull the user statistics of your own institution.)
Go to https://www.whatismyip.com/ and copy your current IP address.
Email your IP address to the APLS Library at reference@apls.state.al.us and let us know that you are having trouble accessing Chilton Library. The library will report your issue to Gale Cengage and work to resolve your issue within 24 hours.