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Free Online Resources: Merck Manuals

About Merck Manuals


The Merck Manuals are a comprehensive medical information source covering thousands of topics in all fields of medicine. APLS has worked with Merck to bring free online access to the Merck Manuals at Alabama’s public libraries. Merck Manuals are a widely used medical resource for professionals and consumers published since 1899. The digital form has both a professional version, with more advanced content for medical students and professionals, and a consumer version, with easier to understand content for laypeople, and translations to many languages, including Spanish, Korean, and German. Considering the relatively short lifespan and high expense of medical reference texts, this is a great opportunity to make a continuously updated medical resource available to patrons without straining your collection development budget. 



Access to Merck Manuals are free at As such, each Alabama public library interested in participating must sign a linking permissions agreement, which states that the resource will be available to patrons free of charge. The following linking permissions agreement must be signed before you post the URL to your library website. Please email the form to the before sharing the Merck URL with your patrons.